Platinum in PDB, part 8 (files: 281-320),
PDB 7dis-9h49
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Platinum (Pt) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Platinum atoms. PDB files: 281-320 (PDB 7dis-9h49).
7dis (Pt: 3) - Structure of the PFGRX1 with Platinum
7diu (Pt: 1) - Structure of PFGRX1 in the Intermediate State with Platinum and Cesium
Other atoms:
Cs (3);
7el7 (Pt: 15) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structure of the 1:1 Complex of A Quadruplex-Duplex Hybrid MYT1L and A Platinum(II) Ligand L1PT(Dien)
7jzi (Pt: 2) - Crystal Structure of LAIR1 Ectodomain (From MGD21) in Complex with Plasmodium Rifin (PF3D7_1040300) V2 Domain
7kem (Pt: 12) - Crystallographic Structure of L,D-Transpeptidase 2 From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Other atoms:
I (11);
7og2 (Pt: 1) - Crystal Structure of Pseudoalteromonas Luteoviolacea L-Amino Acid Oxidase
Other atoms:
Cl (7);
7u08 (Pt: 1) - Structure of CD148 Fibronectin Type III Domain 1 and 2
7v3t (Pt: 10) - Solution Structure of Thrombin Binding Aptamer G-Quadruplex Bound A Self-Adaptive Small Molecule with Rotated Ligands
Other atoms:
F (20);
7vs6 (Pt: 1) - Phloem Lectin (PP2) Structure -Native Form
7woj (Pt: 9) - Crystal Structure of Hsa-Myr Complex Soaked with Cisplatin For One Week
Other atoms:
Cl (3);
7wok (Pt: 10) - Crystal Structure of Hsa Soaked with Cisplatin For One Week
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
7xuo (Pt: 1) - Structure of ATP7B C983S/C985S/D1027A Mutant with Cisplatin in Presence of ATOX1
8abq (Pt: 8) - Snx Heterodimer (Pt)
8auc (Pt: 2) - Structure of Peptidoglycan Hydrolase CG1735 From Corynebacterium Glutamicum, Trigonal Crystal Form
8brc (Pt: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Adduct Between Human Serum Transferrin and Cisplatin
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
8bwa (Pt: 7) - Crystal Structure of Human Twisted Gastrulation Protein Homolog 1 (TWSG1) in Complex with Platinum
8c62 (Pt: 4) - Crystal Structure of Cisplatin/B-Dna Adduct
8c63 (Pt: 2) - Crystal Structure of Arsenoplatin-1/B-Dna Adduct Obtained Upon 4 H of Soaking
Other atoms:
As (1);
Mg (1);
8c64 (Pt: 3) - Crystal Structure of Arsenoplatin-1/B-Dna Adduct Obtained Upon 48 H of Soaking
Other atoms:
As (1);
8h7c (Pt: 2) - Crystal Structure of A De Novo Enzyme, Ferric Enterobactin Esterase Syn-F4 (K4T) - Pt Derivative
Other atoms:
Cl (5);
8ijc (Pt: 15) - uc(Nmr) Solution Structure of the 1:1 Complex of A Platinum(II) Ligand L1- Transpt Covalently Bound to A G-Quadruplex MYT1L
8ism (Pt: 1) - Hsa-Pt Compound Complex
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
8kfd (Pt: 1) - Ferritin Drug Carrier(Fdc) For Encapsulated Platinum (IV) Prodrug For Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Targeted Therapy
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
Ca (1);
Cl (12);
8ri3 (Pt: 3) - Crystal Structure of Transplatin/B-Dna Adduct Obtained Upon 7 Days of Soaking
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Cl (1);
8ri5 (Pt: 1) - Crystal Structure of Transplatin/B-Dna Adduct Obtained Upon 48 H of Soaking
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
8us4 (Pt: 5) - C2221 Crystal Structure of Tama (Barrel Only) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa at 3.15 Ang
9h49 (Pt: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Adduct Between Human Serum Transferrin (Apo- Form) and Cisplatin
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